Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stint Dates: For future reference

If anyone wishes to Visit me in Panama, These are the dates I will be in the Jungle. I will be able to chat between these dates... though there are a few excursions in the works.

Stint 1 - January 14th to January 22nd

 Stint 2 - January 28th to February 8th

 Stint 3 - February 14th to February 26th

 Stint 4 - March 5th to March 15th

 Stint 5 - March 20th to March 28th

 Stint 6 - April 2nd to April 8th

Valley project presentations will take place in the city on April 9th.

First night back to Civilization

Well, after waking up at 5 am to the howler monkeys and the rooster (Alejandro) and no coffee, we took a nice 2 hour hike out of the Valley today. Then a quick pack in San Miguel, an hour bus ride to Vente Quarto, another hour ride to Panama City and a little stroll across the park and we made it to Hispania (our city apartment). The first stint in the Valley is beyond explanation and the people are already family. I will break it into sections of relevancy ( with pretty pictures) before I put that up tomorrow or Thursday.

Being back in civilization is a feeling that I cant even begin to explain. I had forgotten what it feels like to flush a toilet, and have running water, and look in a mirror. But the Valley is already my home the 20 by 20 rancho that I share with 11 other girls is more perfect than I can even begin to describe. The companionship is almost entirely unmatched.

We eat and are merry and we love to work that's for sure. I hope everyone in the  states is doing alright. I love and care for you all deeply!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The countdown continues.

So we are down to 2 days... well 1 day, 9 hours, and roughly 15 minutes, but really who's counting?!

Things I still need to do:
1) Everything...

I am beginning to think I live on adrenaline.

In other words, kids, I'll get back to you when I'm stuck on a plane for 5 hours.